Saturday, January 30, 2010

Welcome to the start of my blog!

Well this is my first blog, and I have never done it before, so forgive me if I am not completely skilled at it yet. I created a blog to log my journey to weight loss, and maybe if I stay busy on this I will not eat when I am bored. Well I have been overweight most o my life! When I was 24 years old I lost 82 pounds on weight watchers in 8 months. I was down to 156 lbs. A year so later I met my husband (ex now) and forgot all the tools that I had learned through weight watchers, and gained it all some. Now here I am at 35 starting all over again, I have gone back to weight watchers more than 10 times in the last 3 years, only to not have the success I saw the first time round. I then get frustrated and fall off the wagon, time and time again. I have always hated exercise and never exercised the first time I lost the weight, and got easily frustrated.

I got serious and started a boot camp 3 days a week for 45 minutes in September. And after years of paying a curves membership discovered what it really meant to sweat!!!!

I am just finishing my 4th 6 week boot camp and I have lost about 15 pounds, but 40 inches. I am slowly discovering I need to not focus on the number of the scale but it is hard to not use that to monitor my success. I gained 4 pounds back at Christmas and now can't get those off. I feel like I am the girl who has tried almost everything. The gimmicks the pills, the diets. I am trying to do it properly but I like everyone would love an easy way out.

This blog is going to log the rest of my journey until I am "Skinny" I know it really is an awful word, but to a fat person it is music to my ears.

So come along and here we go. I will post on things I have tried, how my boot camps are going as well as great low cal recipes I come across. If any companies out there want me to try their goods, food, exercise or other. I would be happy to review it on my blog.

As well other people out there is the same boat as I am. I welcome your advice, comments own journeys. See ya again soon!


  1. Welcome to the blogging world Allison!!!! How exciting :-)

  2. Welcome!! I too was a member of I belong to a real gym!! I started cooking the Weight Watchers way in January. I belonged years ago and kind of remember...... So come and check me out. I will be posting Weight Watchers meals:)
